What does SGP e.V. actually stand for? In today's blog post, we would like to introduce ourselves and our vision behind SGP.
SGP is an association that was founded by friends who have become a family over the years. As an association, we are constantly evolving and today SGP e.V. is backed by twelve volunteer members, some of them from different cultures (as of March 2021).
Whether we grew up bicultural or not, we are happy to be able to give back to the world through the association's activities. The idea of leaving a positive footprint that we can be proud of drives us to continuously pursue our vision of creating equal opportunities worldwide.
We had the chance to enjoy a proper as well as "free" school education. Some still took the opportunity afterwards and completed an apprenticeship or a degree. Many of us have already arrived in the professional world and can earn their own money through their personal skills and preferences. But to get there, it was just necessary to have a solid school education.
Many people are aware that we enjoy a high standard of living here in Germany and that we are therefore privileged.
But gratitude is not enough to bring about change.
We ultimately - if we're honest - don't lack the time, but rather the motivation most of the time to leave a positive impact in the world.
What would motivate you to become active or, in other words, are there other reasons why you don't do volunteer work?
We are sure that there are suitable options for each individual person,
to participate either actively or passively.
With today's contribution, we would like to conclude with food for thought.
We are happy to receive your questions & suggestions via the Contact Form or via Social Media. Click here for the projects.
Your SGP e. V. Team